Standing on the viewing platform of the Monkey Temple, holding the railing in my hand, I tried to look further away. I saw a group of ancient buildings which were different from the surrounding square dwellings. I guess it was the Duba square!

There is a tall tower in the ancient buildings, which stands out from the others. Is it not the temple of the goddess of taleju? Since 1564, Nepalese people have believed that the 35 meter high temple of taleju is the tallest building in the world. If a building is higher than it, it will lead to bad luck, and this belief affects a large number of Nepalese people to this day.

Tamil morning is quiet, in addition to bird calls, almost no sound can be heard, no one can see a person in the street, shops are still closed doors and windows, as if no one has ever been to the same, it is estimated that people are still sleeping in bed!

I was looking out of the window of the block in a daze, opposite the roof suddenly out of a bamboo pole, bamboo pole slowly extended upward, more and more long. Then, a dark Nepalese man jumped out of the roof. He raised the bamboo pole and waved it a few times. The next moment, several monkeys separated from each other