After touring Duba square and taomadi square, there is still the last square, pottery square.

Compared with the previous two squares, there are no grand temples here, but the strong folk flavor. Pottery makers stick to this ancient industry, respect the traditional skills left by their ancestors, and work hard. The men knead the clay and knead the clay, while the women and children are responsible for decoration and drying. The newly fired pottery is taken out in rows in the square, forming a unique landscape.

With the guide, we continued to walk inside. Not far away, we saw a building similar to the goddess Temple of batsala, which was built of white stone. At first glance, it seemed to be a miniature version of the temple. However, after careful observation, it was found that the main body of the building above the stairs was like a shell shell shell, which was erected on the ground. It was Sidi lakti Temple of rice.

We went back to Duba square in badgaon, where we sat down on the front steps of a temple, tired of legs. Our leisure guide began to teach us how to distinguish the style of the nearby buildings.

He walked a few steps away from the steps, pointed to a ruin in front of him and said, "you see, this is the temple of the goddess batsala. It's a very, very powerful temple. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the earthquake There is a big clock in front of it, which is more than one meter high. Like the golden gate, it is a very "powerful" building

As the third largest city in Kathmandu Valley, the architecture of Badagong has the most medieval temperament. In Nepali language, it means "city of rice" or "city of devout people".

Badagong was founded in the Mala Dynasty in the 12th century. From the 14th century to the 16th century, Badagong was the capital and political and cultural center of the Mala Dynasty at that time. In its heyday, Badagong was also known as the "open-air museum" for its large-scale royal palace and temple complex.

Speaking of Xiao Hu, she is really a vigorous girl!

Before the hike, I would have asked her to see the bodaha pagoda, but she set out for bocala the next day after she decided on her hiking plan. I had planned to ask Xiao Hu to go to see bodaha Pagoda with me. Now I'm alone