
When I got up in the morning, the sun shone on my face through the curtain. I was sure it was a sunny day and I was in a good mood. Because before I leave Danzhou, I have to go to a place, which is Songtao Tianhu. It's said that the environment there is very beautiful, and it also enjoys the reputation of "treasure island pearl".

Songtao Tianhu scenic spot is near Nanfeng Town, Danzhou City. It took me nearly two hours to drive to the lake. A bad opportunity, actually because I took the wrong road, just in Nanfeng town a narrow road end saw Songtao Tianhu.


Songtao Sky Lake is boundless with green mountains, which makes people feel relaxed and happy. There is a dirt road on my right hand side, which points to an unknown mountain peak with white clouds on top. It's very interesting.

After taking a few photos, I looked at the map again and tried to find the entrance to the scenic area. The entrance is actually on the other side of a T-junction that I passed when I came. The gatekeeper told me that the scenic area is being closed in order to protect the water quality. Listening to him, I had to leave disappointed

Next, I'm going to Oriental City. There is a boat shaped house natural village in the southeast of Dongfang City, which is perhaps the best preserved village in Hainan. It became my first stop in Dongfang City.

I don't plan to get on the expressway in the back road. I plan to go to Changjiang along national highway 225 first, and then decide whether to take the expressway or continue to take national highway 225 according to the time, and then arrive at Baicha village via provincial highway 314.

If a straight, clean and embracing road in the green belt is a landscape road, then the 225 national road from Danzhou to Changjiang deserves the whole journey!

On both sides of the rolling road are trees, especially coconut trees, and banana fields. In the distance, there are big white clouds floating in the sky. They are so huge that they seem to explode. At one time, they wanted to stop for photos, but they couldn't find a perfect vision. I'm looking forward to the end of every rolling road, where can I have a broad vision, but it's always covered by trees and can't get it!

It's almost Changjiang, and the sky is beginning to change dramatically. The temperature around it has fallen, and it hasn't rained yet. However, we can see that the mountains in the distance are covered in the green yarn sprinkled by the dark clouds, swinging with the wind, and the sky Occasionally blows a flash of lightning, accompanied by the deafening thunder, the earth will follow the tremor

When I arrived in Changjiang, I turned on the "double flash" and stopped at the side of the road. At this moment, I was surrounded by heavy rain. The visibility around me was less than three meters. All the cars on the road carefully reduced their speed.

When the rain stopped, it was 2:30 p.m. and no more stops were allowed. I drove on the highway and drove at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. But it hasn't been a long time, the sky began to rain again, soon became a torrential rain

It's the first time I've driven at high speed in a rainstorm. I turn on the "double flash" and hold the steering wheel tightly with both hands. I feel nervous all over my body.

After an hour, I finally drove out of the ramp to the East safely. I parked on the side of the road, and finally my tight body relaxed. Looking back on this hour's thrill, it has become my valuable experience, especially in the heavy rain with visibility less than five meters, when passing through the waterlogged area in the road, I drove by inexperienced at high speed, and even drifted by the reaction force of water. I stepped on the brake to slow down, but fortunately there were not many cars nearby

Outside the ramp, the sun came down. When entering 314 provincial highway, it began to rain again. The weather is really unpredictable!

Walking on the 314 provincial road, there are many trees on both sides of the road. It may be because of the rain. It's wet all around. It's a picture of tropical rain forest. When I passed the DAGUANBA Reservoir Scenic Area two thirds of the way, I didn't stop much considering the time. Then there is a section of mountain road with steep slope and sharp turning range, but I can still hold it steadily.


In the process of Panshan mountain, with the elevation rising, we can see that the sky on DAGUANBA reservoir in the distance is still raining, the water surface and the mountain forest are surrounded by clouds and mist, a beautiful scenery. In order to arrive at Baicha village first, we decided to return to take photos.

When I arrived at Baicha village, I saw thatched houses like a boat with a low eaves. This style is good for wind and rain protection. There are 81 boat houses in Baicha village, which is one of the most complete natural villages in Hainan. Boat shaped house is the carrier of Li's excellent architectural skills. In 2008, the village boat shaped house was listed in the national intangible cultural heritage protection list.

Around the village, there are many beautiful mountains, and dotted with rubber trees, coconut trees, fire dragon fruit trees, areca trees and so on Walking in the village, fruity, sweet taste, let me surprise, feel more comfortable and comfortable. The village has been transformed into a scenic spot. There are no villagers living here. There are many zebra mosquito in the village. The needle is long and hard. It can bite in the meat across the clothes. The bite place seems to be pricked. Fortunately, it doesn't itch for a long time. It doesn't feel for a minute or two

Leaving Baicha village, passing DAGUANBA reservoir again, we found that the rain has stopped, but the scene has changed dramatically Because it is no longer raining, the concentration of clouds and mist becomes larger, covering the water surface and mountains, forming a white barrier, resulting in nothing to see

I'm so sorry. Although I saw it when I came, I didn't leave any photos. It even became a great regret for this trip!

Ah... But I had to go back to Dongfang first.

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