
Gave up cycling around the island, I shamefully rented a car!

Before I rented the car, I was lying on the bed of the hotel, and I thought there were only two roads in front of me. One is to pack up and go home. The other is to take the train to a city and then to the nearby scenic spots

If I go home now, what am I doing in Hainan? Just realize how weak you are! I think, even if it is sightseeing, I will continue to

If you choose to take a train, it's not convenient to take a taxi or a ride on the way to various scenic spots. There are still some places that you can't get there without self driving, so

July seems to be the off-season of Hainan tourism. The daily rent of an automatic Volkswagen maiteng is 56 yuan. With the fuel fee and the anti scratch insurance of several hundred yuan, it costs about 150 yuan a day. This seems to be very cost-effective, so I got off the list on the online car rental platform, and I could run to Haidian city the next day to pick up my car!

It was very hot at noon and I was sweating in the sun. A little brother came to join me in the transfer of the car and brushed away my more than 1000 yuan car rental charge. In addition, the car rental deposit and the illegal deposit were used to make a credit guarantee with my Alipay sesame letter without cash or credit card. It would freeze two to three thousand yuan in case of no accident (i.e. crash or violation). Under automatic return.

After handing over the car, before I could get out of the parking lot, the weather suddenly changed, and the rain began to fall, and the visibility was less than 10 meters

Fortunately, "I'm in the car this time..." , I muttered angrily in my heart. This time, the goal is still Danzhou before the heart of the Yellow River dies! As usual, driving out of Haikou, the rain will be gone, instead of the hot sun. Fortunately, "I'm sitting in the car with air conditioning..." I muttered in my heart angrily. This may be the ultimate performance of cowards, ha ha

Under the guidance of map navigation, I entered the ring Island Expressway. There is no toll station on Hainan Island's high-speed highway, which makes any car dare to drive at high speed. I even saw a person driving a motorcycle in the middle of a highway with a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

Maybe it's because in the off-season of tourism, there are few cars on the road, and the road condition is very good. The only bad thing is the outside lane, which is that the big pit will appear in the driving lane of the big car from time to time, which makes the car drivers who are not familiar with the road conditions and have poor eyesight prone to accidents

After more than an hour's drive, I arrived in Danzhou. Then, I went to Danzhou's Millennium salt field.


It's said that this place was made by the salt workers who migrated from Putian, Fujian Province. The salt workers took local materials, cut half of the volcanic rocks and dug out a shallow stone groove. More and more stone grooves are distributed in this salt field, with different heights and shapes. So far, there are more than 1000 inkstone grooves. People in the salt field make the seawater into the brine with high salt content, then pour the brine into the stone trough, and then make it into the salt bar after exposure to the sun.

Because it's the first time to see Yantian, it's still quite fresh. Around the salt field, there are also bags of salt produced by local people, which are piled into hills in baskets. There are also salt baked chicken and eggs, which are made of salt baked in the salt field

Leaving the ancient salt field of a thousand years, I want to go to Longmen Mountain, the seaside of e man town.

The road condition is not very good. During this period, I have been shuttling along the country road. It's easy to find when I follow the navigation. I arrived in time for sunset at the spectacular Longmen surf volcano coast.

The coastline stretches for 4 kilometers, the beach is very clean, surrounded by black volcanic rocks, and the scenery is unique. There are four major scenic spots in the area, including Longjing beach, Longmen surf, lover beach, and colorful beach. Each scenic spot is 340 meters away from each other, and the scenery of each scenic spot is different.

龙门激浪 五彩滩

A strange stone on the colorful beach is the essence of this place. Therefore, in addition to the beauty of the sea, the more important thing is the power of mountains and the precipitousness of rocks.

龙门激浪 龙井沙滩

I stand on the big stone of Longjing beach, listen to the sea, watch the clouds rise and fall, and wait for the sunset. After waiting, I watched countless boats floating on the sea rise and fall, plus windmills and lighthouses in the distance. The visual effect was very unique. A group of cattle slowly entered the mirror, which surprised me.

The clouds are too dense to dissipate all the time, which makes the sunset not perfect as expected, but the beauty of the scenery here still makes my trip worthwhile.

In the evening, I stay in Baimajing town. The night view of Yangpu Bridge passing by is also very spectacular. Baimajing has many snacks, such as pork intestines powder, rotten bun and red rice cake

Baimajing hotel is a very poor hotel. I don't know if it is a state-owned unit. The equipment in the room is old and the sockets are few. At the same cost, we can definitely find a better place for environmental facilities. There was a huge cockroach in the toilet, which made me sick and didn't want to take a bath

It's too late, but I can only make do with rest like this.

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