
Within half an hour of leaving Everest's base camp, the sky quickly darkened and fell into darkness.

Longge suggested that we go to Zhuoma, who is a tent business in the base camp of Everest in summer. Her home is about 120 kilometers away from Everest. She stays at her home in the evening. The next morning, she climbed up the Everest observation platform to see the sunrise. Such a wonderful plan is perfect.

Under the leadership of brother long, we rushed left and right in the village road where we couldn't reach out. We didn't know where we were. After walking for more than an hour, I saw Zhuoma's brother waiting at the entrance of the village. Since I had already passed Zhuoma ditch by phone before I came here, I didn't have much communication with Zhuoma. I followed Zhuoma's brother for another ten minutes to reach Zhuoma's home.

Zhuoma is a Tibetan name for a woman. It means "Tara", a beautiful goddess. Our losers are more commonly known as "beauty". So even brother long doesn't know the name of Zhuoma. It's quite appropriate to call her Zhuoma.

As soon as I got off the bus, I saw Zhuoma coming to me. Zhuoma is really beautiful. Her simple smile warms us who are frozen in the cold night. After the greetings, everyone is relaxed, just like coming back home.

Under Zhuoma's leadership, we visited her home, which is one of the most common Tibetan families, exuding a strong Tibetan flavor, which is the experience of bursting with freshness.

Tibetan houses are usually small buildings with two or three floors, with stone walls and flat roofs. The first floor is animal house or storehouse, and the second floor has bedroom, kitchen, reception room, as well as scripture hall. In Tibetan areas, people believe in Tibetan Buddhism, and almost every family chants sutras and worships Buddha. Therefore, sutra hall has become an indispensable part of the house and occupies an important position.

We ascended the second floor of their daily life through the steep wooden stairs, and met a brother and a sister of Zhuoma. Her parents were alive and looked amiable. We went forward to say hello. Although we didn't understand each other's language very well, we were passing warmth through smiles.

Everyone sat around the stove. Brother long coaxed Zhuoma to sing Tibetan folk songs to everyone. Zhuoma was a little embarrassed. She asked everyone if they were hungry and what they wanted to eat! This reminds people of their already hungry and flat stomachs. After a long discussion, they decided to eat mutton soup and rice. Mutton is a kind of sheep raised by their own family. It's pure natural and has no feed. It's delicious.

When we decided what to eat, we began to make Zhuoma sing again. Zhuoma had a brainstorm. She left her sister and ran to cook under the pretext. The poor sister left behind had to sing for everyone in the uproar, which made the living room fall into the laughter.

For a moment, Zhuoma brought up a large pot of stewed mutton with white radish. The smell of the meat wafted past, and the living room immediately boiled. It has to be said that Zhuoma's mutton soup with rice is true

After dinner, Long Ge, who came back from his work, told us that there were many stars in the sky outside! When I heard the good news, I couldn't sit still, because the SLR at hand finally had its place

Standing in Zhuoma's yard, I looked up and saw countless stars in the black sky, each of which was bright. For a long time, the whole sky seems to be a downward raised glass. The clear black is deep and quiet. It seems to be on my head. When I lift my hand, I can touch its surface


The night is getting deeper, the surroundings are quieter and colder. I can't help coughing, but we are infatuated with the starry sky. Fairy, this lively and lovely girl, accompanied me to press the shutter under the starry sky, waiting for every surprise after a long exposure.

Until midnight, people are asleep, dogs are asleep, only stars, still blinking...

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