In the process of barter, people invented money, and money is just a manifestation of money. The reason why the concept of money almost occupied my whole understanding of money is that I only knew that when I was young, I could only use paper money, that is, money.

A long time ago, people used real objects to exchange goods. After historical iteration, from cloth and shells to gold, silver and copper, and finally to paper, it became more and more convenient to use, but its practicability was greatly reduced.

Why do people recognize the value of a piece of paper?

This year, I am 29 years old. I feel a lot of anxiety at the bottom of my heart. I don't understand what I am worried about!

So I began to be a little confused!

I quit my job. I used to have a very comfortable job, but it's this kind of ease. After several years of work, I'm afraid. I'm going to be 30 years old. I don't know how long this kind of ease can last

When I first arrived in Lhasa, I found that this is a very common city. Just like any city that has just stepped into the mainland, once out of the railway station, the taxi driver will take the initiative to ask you if you want to carpool. The Tibetan drivers will not make a watch. They will not leave until they have reached four people.

Outside the window, the building is Lin Li, Tibetan style, I feel both new and familiar The more you go to the center of the city, the more Tibetans you will see. From time to time on the street, you will see someone holding a prayer tube, walking and shaking. I think this should be a part of their daily life!

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