Warm and cold is precious
The company price is higher
If it is vanity
Both can be thrown

Until I saw the sunshine everywhere
Happiness is flying over the city
It turns out that you live like a dream
To keep me warm

Is your bear still around
Can you wear your old leather shoes
Find a future cigarette
Want to try it

Early tomorrow morning
I guess the sun will be fine
I want to clean myself
Throw away all the old ones

Oh, that's nice...


Maybe it's a winter fetter

Holding a cold purple flower
Walking in the vast plateau
The mountain road is long
He wanted to jump into the golden lake

Rub your frozen hands
Feet on snow and mud
He looked up at the red glow in the distance
The glow kissed him in the mouth

Black Forest
Cracked glacier
He approached the ice dragon and the fire phoenix
Maybe a miracle

He missed the wind and sand
About in that old place
Follow me to the desert
Got shot in the mouth

He was on an iceberg in the distance
Wearing black cotton padded clothes
Hold the coffee in your hand to keep warm
Thoughts wander in eighteen thousand miles

It is a black forest
He couldn't wait to walk into the tall building
Meet this white butterfly
Walk into the dream together


Time to take medicine

It's time to take medicine again
It's like I'm a patient
I know the medicine is not good
Can eat everyday, also be used
The doctor said that he could go out to let the wind out after eating the medicine
It's more important to let the wind go than to take medicine


About the life of self realization

I don't know if it's awe or escape. I still don't want to admit that I'm thirty years old

Confucius said, "we stand at thirty!"! But in the past 30 years, I was like "wasting my life". Others were struggling, others were buying houses, others were getting married and others were having children. I didn't do any of these things. This year, my mind occasionally fantasized that I was young and still had physical strength. Even if I immersed myself in warm water, the programmer profession could make me at least 35, at least not make me "idle" now!

I woke up in a daze. As soon as I opened the door, I saw my mother frowning, one hand on the wall, the other hand on her waist moving in the living room! Actually, I'm standing and walking, but the steps are very small. I asked mom what was going on? Mom said, fell!

Huh? How did you fall! I was surprised and nervous. In my impression, my mother has flexible limbs and good health all the time. Although she is in her fifties, she doesn't fall so hard

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